Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Where To Find Coupons

Knowing where to find coupons in Canada can save you hundreds of dollars a year. This article on where to find coupons, shows you how to get coupons in Canada that are located in many different places!
The average Canadian family spends approximately $800 a month on groceries – and that’s not including cleaning supplies, health and beauty aids or baby necessities, which can add hundreds more to your bill every month.
Coupons allow you to save a lot of money off your grocery bills without much effort. Sure, it will take some time to get the hang of using coupons “properly”, but once you learn to shop smart, it will become much easier.
With just a bit time and determination, you can start saving your family hundreds or even thousands of dollars every year with coupons.

Isn’t that worth a bit of your time?

If you’re wondering where to find coupons, I’ve listed a bunch of places below where you can get coupons in Canada.

Tear Pads

On your next shopping trip, walk down each aisle and scan the shelves closely. It’s likely that you will find at least 1 shelf with a tear pad full of coupons. Take what you need, but always leave some behind for other shoppers.
I suggest taking 1 or 2 of a coupon, even if you don’t use the product(s). You can use those for coupon trading and coupon trains (explained below). Don’t ever take an entire pad full of coupons – that’s just poor coupon etiquette.

Online Coupon Companies

There are many great Canadian online coupon companies available. Use these sites to select coupons that you want and you will get them mailed directly to your home, free of charge.

Printable Coupons

You can also search your favourite companies’ websites to see if they offer printable coupons (or you can visit our coupon database for Canadian printable coupons). Many of them do.
Be sure to sign up to their mailing lists, as some companies send out coupons in their newsletters. I suggest setting up a separate email account for these newsletters so that your personal email address doesn’t get overrun with offers from these companies.
Other printable coupon websites to check out: Smart Source, Living WellLes Surgeles(French), Healthy Shopper

Contact Companies Directly

Sometimes calling or emailing a company and letting them know your family enjoys their products is enough for them to mail you a coupon. Ask them if they wouldn’t mind sending a coupon for their products, and include your address. Not all companies will send you coupons, but it doesn’t hurt to ask.

On Products

Look in and on the packaging of the products that you buy for special loyalty coupons. These can be in the form of a peelie (a coupon attached to the product, to be peeled off) or written directly on the package (such as a cereal box), to be cut out.
Please do not take peelie coupons off of products that you are not going to purchase.

Coupon Trading

Coupon trading is a great way to get coupons that you want, and get rid of the ones that you don’t. Check out the Mrs January coupon trading forum to trade with other couponers. You could also trade coupons with your friends, family and co-workers.

Coupon Trains

Coupon trains can be a bit complicated when you first get started, but after your first ride or two, you should be able to get the hang of how they work. Simply browse the trains available in our forum and the person who started the train will message you to get your address. (Or you could start your own train, of course!)
You should then receive an envelope stuffed with coupons in the mail. Take out the coupons you would like and replace them with coupons you already have and don’t need. Mail the envelope to the next rider on the list (the list will be in the envelope with the coupons). That’s it!

Coupon Inserts

Every few weeks, you can find Canadian coupon inserts in your local newspaper. There is Redplum every 4 weeks or so, SmartSource every 3 weeks or so and Brandsaver every 3-4 months. These coupon inserts are usually put in with your FREE newspapers (the ones that come with store flyers), but you can also find them in some paid subscription newspapers as well.
Keep in mind that using coupons is not the only way to save money on groceries.Check out my eBook, Money In Your Pocket, for many more ways to save on your grocery bill.

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