Monday, 3 June 2013

11 Quick Tips for Writing Compelling Posts On Your Blog

Yesterday I ran a workshop for a small group of bloggers here in Australia. One of the sessions I covered was on writing compelling content.

Here’s a brief look at a few of the recurring themes in what I shared:

  1. Be Useful – if your post isn’t informing, inspiring, entertaining or making someone’s life better – don’t publish it until it does.

  2. Share your Opinion – opinions are often what sets bloggers apart from the pack.

  3. Cut out the Fluff – before you hit publish, revise your post and remove anything that doesn’t add value.

  4. Visualise Your Reader – writing with a reader in mind personalises your writing.

  5. Make Your Posts Scannable – only 16% of people read every word online. Format your posts so that your main points stand out.

  6. Work and Rework You Headlines – a good headline can be the difference between a blog post being read, or ignored.

  7. Write with Passion – when you show you care about what you’re writing, your readers are more likely to care too.

  8. Give your Readers something to do Next – ask your readers to DO something once they finish reading. It could be to read something else, comment, apply a lesson, share the post etc.

  9. Tell Stories – stories are powerful ways of connecting with, inspiring and teaching your readers – they also create memories

  10. Give Your Posts Visual Appeal – the inclusion of an eye-catching image or a well designed diagram can take your post to the next level.

  11. Practise – the best way to improve your writing is to write. Practise Makes Perfect.

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